

Find new opportunities with the team at LD Solutions.

Grounded in decades of proven grant writing success, our grant writing team can find new foundation opportunities, write your grants, help build relationships with foundations, and provide financial oversight for state or federal awards. You may choose to have us completely build and manage your entire grant program, or we can tailor what we do to your specific needs.

Our fundraising writing goes beyond foundation proposals. We can prepare a wide range of written communications that are essential to comprehensive fundraising development and success. These include case statements, social media fundraising, donor stewardship materials, donor fundraising letters, corporate sponsorship packages, annual reports, newsletters, and more.


We’re committed to being good stewards of your investment in fundraising, and don’t want you to waste your time and dollars in pursuing a foundation grant unless there is a good possibility of success. We know the foundation landscape in Oregon and beyond – that allows us to match you with the best foundation prospects, and then apply our relationships with foundations to advance your prospect of success. The foundation plan we develop to meet your revenue goals will be implemented with our oversight, coaching, and expert grant writing.


Preparing a grant can be a lot like juggling multiple balls in the air. There are foundation plans to develop and keep current, funders to research and contact, deadlines to meet, new content to develop, letters of support to solicit, budgets and other grant package materials to create, grant reports to submit…and success to celebrate! We’ll be there to help you do all of this and more.


With decades of experience, and millions of dollars in grants under our collective belt, we know how to translate your organization and project into a proposal that clearly responds to a foundation’s criteria and gets to yes! We’ll help you develop budgets and other required ancillary pieces that help you create robust proposals.


Applying for government grants – local, state, and federal – is a special area of grant writing expertise that requires familiarity with often complex regulations and procedures. Our grant writing team has successfully navigated government grant processes for many clients over the years. Our clear understanding of complex regulatory and programmatic requirements and our strong relationships with local, state, and federal agencies, particularly in the Pacific Northwest, have made us extremely successful in this competitive environment. Our repertoire includes examples of successful past state and federal grants in the areas of social service, health, environmental education, historic preservation, parks & recreation, infrastructure, transportation, and economic development initiatives.


Our grant writing team includes experts in a wide variety of fields, with some specialties that may help your project succeed. Our diverse skill set includes historic preservation, arts administration and development, community development, parks and recreation, entrepreneurship, emergency management, brownfield reclamation, environmental restoration, and health care. We can also write environmental analyses, economic impact statements, historic resource surveys, and other related background documents that you may need for your grant applications.


Reporting on an awarded grant is a critical component of the grant funding process that requires preparation, data collection, evidence, and precision. Our reporting process will not only address reporting requirements but will convey a foundation or government agency’s wise investment in your organization. Bottom line, reporting can be simple or complex and we’ve got you covered either way.